Goodwill API which helps traders/investors to build, monitor and execute their trading requirement automatically.
API Endpoint
REST API URL{{api_name}}
Each rest call will have 2 compulsory header parameters
1. api_key
2. access_token
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request GET '{{api_name}}' \
--header 'x-api-key: {{your_api_key}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{your_access_token}}' \
# | Param | Value | Description |
1 | x-api-key | api_key | user/partner api_key |
2 | Bearer Token | access_token | Bearer token authorization header |
api_key is a key allocated to the Goodwill User. If you don't have a api_key, signup here. Input will be in string format.
access_token is a token received as response from Login 2FA. Input will be in string format.
"status": "success",
"data": {}
Each successful response rest will have parameters
1. status
2. data
"status": "error",
"error_msg": "Error Message",
"error_type": "GeneralException"
Each error response rest will have 3 parameters
1. status
2. error_msg
3. error_type
Goodwill Login Flow
https://{{registered redirect URL}}?request_token={{request_token}}
1 | | Redirects Goodwill Login page |
2 | After Successful Goodwill Login | request_token will be passed as query string parameter to the registered redirect URL. |
3 | with Signature | User Login Session Details |
Login Response
Rest Properties | Description |
Name | Login Response |
Description | Gives the login session details with access token |
URL | |
Input | YES |
"api_key": "xxxxx",
"request_token": "5ca9e0b42c4e94759030e850",
"signature": "f110112a934b7a867dfe611abb41b7274e"
# | Parameter | Description |
1 | api_key | API Key |
2 | request_token | Received as Query String to the Redirect URL |
3 | signature | Hash value using request_token as key |
Success Response
# | Parameter | Description |
1 | client_id | Client Unique ID |
2 | name | Account name |
3 | Email id of user | |
4 | exarr | Enabled exchange in a JSON array |
5 | prarr | Enabled product type in a JSON array |
6 | orarr | Enabled order type in a JSON array |
7 | exchDetail | Exchange details JSON object |
8 | usersessionid | User session ID(Used in web sockets) |
9 | access_token | Access Token |
Error Response
"status": "error",
"error_msg": "Invalid Signature",
"error_type": "E"
# | Parameter | Description |
1 | status | error |
2 | error_msg | Error Message |
3 | error_type | Error Type |
# | Error Messages | Description |
1 | Invalid API key or API key expired | Input API Key is invalid or expired |
2 | Invalid Signature | Input Signature is invalid |
3 | Invalid Request Token | Input Session ID and Request Token is Invalid |
Example :
API Key="xxxxx"
API Secret="yyyyy"
To make the request secure, we have implemented parameter posting with signature (i.e. SHA-256 of checksum). Signature parameter is created by hashing the value of below mentioned parameters.
i. API Key
ii. request_token
iii. API Secret
checksum=API Key + request_token + API Secret
signature=SHA-256 of checksum
'signature' parameter is mandatory and needs to be added in login-response API
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930'
To get characters you need to make a GET call to the following url :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"client_id": "GZXXXXX",
"name": "ESWARAN",
"email": "username@GMAIL.COM",
"exarr": [
"prarr": [
"prd": "I",
"s_prdt_ali": "MIS",
"exch": [
"orarr": [
"exchdetail": [
Attribute | Datatype | Description |
client_id | string | Client Id |
name | string | Name of the Client |
string | E-mail address of the user | |
exarr | array | Array of Exchanges |
prarr | array | Array of Products |
orarr | array | Array of Ordertypes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930'
To get characters you need to make a GET call to the following url :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"segment": "ALL",
"bookedpnl": "1.45",
"unbookedpnl": "0",
"openingbalance": "2016.03",
"credits": "0",
"payinamt": "0.00",
"utilizedamount": "77.04",
"payoutamt": "0.00",
"varmargin": "",
"spanmargin": "",
"realisedmtom": "1.45",
"unrealisedmtom": "",
"debits": "0"
Attribute | Datatype | Description |
segment | string | Segment type - ALL |
bookedpnl | string | Booked profit and loss |
unbookedpnl | string | Unbooked profit and loss |
openingbalance | string | Opening balance or cash margin available |
credits | string | Credits |
payinamt | string | Pay in amount |
utilizedamount | string | Utilized amount |
payoutamt | string | Pay out amount |
varmargin | string | Var margin |
spanmargin | string | Span margin |
realisedmtom | string | Realised mtom |
unrealisedmtom | string | UnRealised mtom |
debits | string | debits |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930'
To get characters you need to make a GET call to the following url :
"status": "success",
"data": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"product": "MIS",
"tsym": "IDEA-EQ",
"token": "14366",
"cfbuyqty": "0",
"cfbuyavgprc": "",
"cfsellqty": "0",
"cfsellavgprc": "",
"bqty": "0",
"buyavgprc": "0.00",
"sqty": "0",
"sellavgprc": "0.00",
"netqty": "0",
"netbuyavgprc": "655.00",
"netsellavgprc": "650.00",
"netamt": "0",
"ltp": "6.60",
"bep": "",
"realisedprofitloss": "-0.75",
"unrealisedprofitloss": "0.00"
Parameter | Description |
exchange | Exchange name |
product | Product code |
tsym | Trading symbol |
token | Token of the scrip |
cfbuyqty | CF buy quantity |
cfbuyavgprc | CF net buy average price |
cfsellqty | CF sell quantity |
cfsellavgprc | CF net sell average price |
bqty | Buy quantity |
buyavgprc | Buy average price |
sqty | Sell quantity |
sellavgprc | Sell average price |
netqty | Net quantity |
netbuyavgprc | Net Buy Average price |
netsellavgprc | Net Sell Average price |
netamt | Net amount |
ltp | Last trade price of the scrip |
bep | Break-even price of the position |
realisedprofitloss | Realized profit loss |
unrealisedprofitloss | Unrealized profit loss |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
{ "segment":"nse_cm",
"token": "11915",
"tsym": "YESBANK-EQ"
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"nstordno": "23031400017243"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
segment | Exchange segment name | Yes |
product | Product Code | Yes |
netqty | Net Quantity | Yes |
token | Symbol token | Yes |
tsym | Trading Symbol | Yes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930'
To get characters you need to make a GET call to the following url :
"status": "success",
"data": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "11915",
"tsym": "YESBANK-EQ",
"isin": "INE528G01035",
"holdqty": "0",
"btst_qty": "1",
"sellable_qty": "1",
"average_price": "15.75",
"ltp": "15.55",
"pcode": "CNC",
"coll_qty": "",
"coll_type": ""
Parameter | Description |
exchange | Exchange name |
token | Token of the scrip |
tsym | Trading symbol |
isin | ISIN |
holdqty | Holding quantity |
btst_qty | BTST quantity |
sellable_qty | Sellable quantity |
average_price | Average price |
ltp | Last trade price of the scrip |
pcode | Product code |
coll_qty | Collateral quantity |
coll_type | Collateral type |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930'
To get characters you need to make a GET call to the following url :
"status": "success",
"data": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "14366",
"tsym": "IDEA-EQ",
"product": "CNC",
"pricetype": "MKT",
"validity": "DAY",
"price": "0.00",
"trgprc": "",
"qty": "1",
"dscqty": "0",
"trantype": "S",
"avgprc": "6.55",
"fillshares": "1",
"remarks": "",
"exchordid": "1100000017705694",
"syomorderid": "",
"nstordno": "23031400017243",
"orderentrytime": "13:10:32 14-03-2023",
"exchconfrmtime": "14-03-2023 13:10:32",
"status": "complete",
"ordvaldate": "",
"rejreason": ""
Attributes | Datatype | Description |
exchange | string | Exchange name |
token | string | Token of the scrip |
tsym | string | Trading symbol |
product | string | Product Code |
pricetype | string | Price type |
validity | string | validity |
price | string | Price |
trgprc | string | Trigger price |
qty | string | Quantity |
dscqty | string | Disclosed quantity |
trantype | string | Transaction type |
avgprc | string | Average price |
fillshares | string | Filled Quantity |
remarks | string | Remarks |
exchordid | string | Exchange order id |
syomorderid | string | Syom Order ID |
nstordno | string | Order number |
orderentrytime | string | Order entry time |
exchconfrmtime | string | Exchange confirmation time |
status | string | Status of the order |
ordvaldate | string | Order validity date |
rejreason | string | Rejection reason |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
"nstordno": "220104000034606"
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"tsym": "IDEA-EQ",
"product": "MIS",
"pricetype": "MKT",
"duration": "DAY",
"price": "0.00",
"trgprc": "",
"qty": "1",
"disclosedqty": "0",
"trantype": "B",
"avgprc": "6.60",
"filledshares": "1",
"orderusermessage": "",
"exchordid": "1100000017915998",
"nstordno": "23031400017379",
"status": "complete",
"rejectionreason": "",
"exchtimestamp": "14-03-2023 13:13:59",
"nestreqid": ""
"exchange": "NSE",
"tsym": "IDEA-EQ",
"product": "MIS",
"pricetype": "MKT",
"duration": "DAY",
"price": "0.00",
"trgprc": "",
"qty": "1",
"disclosedqty": "0",
"trantype": "B",
"avgprc": "",
"filledshares": "",
"orderusermessage": "",
"exchordid": "1100000017915998",
"nstordno": "23031400017379",
"status": "open",
"rejectionreason": "",
"exchtimestamp": "14-03-2023 13:13:59",
"nestreqid": ""
"exchange": "NSE",
"tsym": "IDEA-EQ",
"product": "MIS",
"pricetype": "MKT",
"duration": "DAY",
"price": "0.00",
"trgprc": "",
"qty": "1",
"disclosedqty": "0",
"trantype": "B",
"avgprc": "",
"filledshares": "",
"orderusermessage": "",
"exchordid": "",
"nstordno": "23031400017379",
"status": "open",
"rejectionreason": "",
"exchtimestamp": "",
"nestreqid": ""
"exchange": "NSE",
"tsym": "IDEA-EQ",
"product": "MIS",
"pricetype": "MKT",
"duration": "DAY",
"price": "0.00",
"trgprc": "",
"qty": "1",
"disclosedqty": "0",
"trantype": "B",
"avgprc": "",
"filledshares": "",
"orderusermessage": "",
"exchordid": "",
"nstordno": "23031400017379",
"status": "open",
"rejectionreason": "",
"exchtimestamp": "",
"nestreqid": ""
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
nstordno | Order Number | Yes |
# | Parameter | Description |
1 | exchange | Exchange |
2 | tsym | Trading symbol |
3 | product | Product code |
4 | pricetype | Price type |
5 | duration | Order duration |
6 | price | Price |
7 | trgprc | Trigger Price |
8 | qty | Quantity |
9 | disclosedqty | Disclosed quantity |
10 | trantype | Transaction type |
11 | avgprc | Average price |
12 | filledshares | filledShares |
13 | orderusermessage | Order User Message |
14 | exchordid | Exchange Order id |
15 | nstordno | Order number |
17 | status | Status of the order |
18 | rejectionreason | Rejection reason |
19 | exchtimestamp | Exchange time stamp |
20 | reqid | Request id |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930'
To get characters you need to make a GET call to the following url :
"status": "success",
"data": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"tsym": "IDEA-EQ",
"product": "MIS",
"pricetype": "MKT",
"trantype": "S",
"qty": "1",
"exchordid": "1100000010905576",
"nstordno": "23031400011069",
"exchtime": "14-03-2023 11:33:50",
"price": "0.00"
Attributes | Datatype | Description |
exchange | string | Exchange |
tsym | string | Trading Symbol |
product | string | Product code |
pricetype | string | Price type of the Trade |
trantype | string | Trasaction type(B/S) |
qty | string | Quantity |
exchordid | string | Exchange Order ID |
nstordno | string | Order ID |
exchtime | string | Exchange time |
price | string | Price |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
"tsym": "YESBANK-EQ",
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"nstordno": "220104000034606"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
tsym | Trading Symbol | Yes |
exchange | Exchange name | Yes |
trantype | Transtaction Type | Yes |
validity | Validity - It can be one of the following DAY IOC |
Yes |
pricetype | It can be one of the following MKT - Market Order L - Limit Order SL-L - Stop Loss Limit Order SL-M - Stop Loss Market Order |
Yes |
qty | Quantity | Yes |
discqty | Disclosed Quantity | Yes |
price | Price | Yes |
trgprc | Trigger Price | Yes |
product | Product Code | Yes |
amo | AMO - It can be one of the following YES NO |
Yes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
"tsym": "YESBANK-EQ",
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"nstordno": "220104000034607"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
tsym | Trading Symbol | Yes |
exchange | Exchange name | Yes |
trantype | Transtaction Type | Yes |
validity | Validity - It can be one of the following DAY IOC |
Yes |
pricetype | It can be one of the following MKT - Market Order L - Limit Order SL-L - Stop Loss Limit Order SL-M - Stop Loss Market Order |
Yes |
qty | Quantity | Yes |
discqty | Disclosed Quantity | Yes |
price | Price | Yes |
stop_price | Stop Price | Yes |
amo | AMO - It can be one of the following YES NO |
Yes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 05b8167eed78367034cb5ed4a8c15930' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
"tsym": "YESBANK-EQ",
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"nstordno": "220104000034606"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
exchange | Exchange name | Yes |
tsym | Trading Symbol | Yes |
trantype | Transtaction Type | Yes |
qty | Quantity | Yes |
validity | Validity - It can be one of the following DAY IOC |
Yes |
discqty | Disclosed Quantity | Yes |
price | Price | Yes |
squareoff | Square Off | Yes |
stoploss | Stop Loss | Yes |
trailing_ticks | Trailing Ticks | Yes |
pricetype | It can be one of the following MKT - Market Order L - Limit Order SL-L - Stop Loss Limit Order SL-M - Stop Loss Market Order |
Yes |
trgprc | Trigger Price | Yes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 3e81bfb2a1ef11d3bd3e9a8966d4d51e' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
{ "exchange":"NSE",
"tsym": "YESBANK-EQ",
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"result": "23031400017379"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
exchange | Exchange name | Yes |
tsym | Trading Symbol | Yes |
nstordno | Order ID | Yes |
trantype | Transaction type(B/S) | Yes |
pricetype | Type of order. It can be one of the following MKT - Market Order L - Limit Order SL-L - Stop Loss Limit Order SL-M - Stop Loss Market Order |
Yes |
price | Price at which the order was placed | Yes |
qty | Quantity with which the order was placed | Yes |
discqty | Disclosed Quantity | Yes |
trgprc | Trigger Price | Yes |
validity | Validity | Yes |
filledqty | Filledqty | Yes |
product | Product Code | Yes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 3e81bfb2a1ef11d3bd3e9a8966d4d51e' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
{ "exchange":"NSE",
"tsym": "BHEL-EQ",
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"result": "23042400028714"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
exchange | Exchange name | Yes |
tsym | Trading Symbol | Yes |
nstordno | Order ID | Yes |
pricetype | Type of order. It can be one of the following MKT - Market Order L - Limit Order SL-L - Stop Loss Limit Order SL-M - Stop Loss Market Order |
Yes |
price | Price at which the order was placed | Yes |
qty | Quantity with which the order was placed | Yes |
discqty | Disclosed Quantity | Yes |
trgprc | Trigger Price | Yes |
validity | Validity | Yes |
trailing_ticks | Trailing Ticks | Yes |
stoploss | Stoploss | Yes |
squareoff | Squareoff | Yes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 3e81bfb2a1ef11d3bd3e9a8966d4d51e' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
{ "exchange":"NSE",
"tsym": "ZOMATO-EQ",
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"result": "23042400032632"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
exchange | Exchange name | Yes |
tsym | Trading Symbol | Yes |
nstordno | Order ID | Yes |
pricetype | Type of order. It can be one of the following MKT - Market Order L - Limit Order SL-L - Stop Loss Limit Order SL-M - Stop Loss Market Order |
Yes |
price | Price at which the order was placed | Yes |
qty | Quantity with which the order was placed | Yes |
discqty | Disclosed Quantity | Yes |
trgprc | Trigger Price | Yes |
validity | Validity | Yes |
trailing_ticks | Trailing Ticks | Yes |
stoploss | Stoploss | Yes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 3e81bfb2a1ef11d3bd3e9a8966d4d51e' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"result": "220106000024964"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
nstordno | Order Number | Yes |
Exit BO Order
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 3e81bfb2a1ef11d3bd3e9a8966d4d51e' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"result": "success"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
nstordno | Order Number | Yes |
Exit CO Order
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 3e81bfb2a1ef11d3bd3e9a8966d4d51e' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"result": "success"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
nstordno | Order Number | Yes |
Position Conversion
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 3e81bfb2a1ef11d3bd3e9a8966d4d51e' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"result": "success"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
exchange | Exchange name | Yes |
tsym | Trading Symbol | Yes |
qty | Quantity | Yes |
prev_product | Previous Product | Yes |
trantype | Transtaction Type | Yes |
new_product | New product | Yes |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 6cb7ac3a5a73831ec88ee8915bee3f2a' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": {
"symbol_name": "YESBANK",
"trading_symbl": "YESBANK-EQ",
"token": "11915",
"company_name": "YES BANK LIMITED",
"last_trade_time": "13:18:29",
"last_price": "15.65",
"change": "0.0",
"change_per": "0.0",
"last_quantity": "1",
"buy_quantity": "37308286",
"sell_quantity": "26519029",
"volume": "119231098",
"average_price": "15.66",
"open": "15.70",
"high": "15.95",
"low": "15.45",
"close": "15.65",
"tick_size": "0.05",
"multiplier": "1",
"lot_size": "1",
"decimalprecision": "2",
"yearly_low_price": "12.10",
"yearly_high_price": "24.75"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
exchange | Exchange | Yes |
token | Token | Yes |
Attributes | Datatype | Description |
symbol_name | string | Symbol Name |
trading_symbl | string | Trading Symbol |
token | string | Symbol Token |
company_name | string | Company Name |
last_trade_time | string | Last Traded Time |
last_price | string | Last Traded Price |
change | string | Change Price |
change_per | string | Change Percentage |
last_quantity | string | Last Traded Quantity |
buy_quantity | string | Buy Quantity |
sell_quantity | string | Sell Quantity |
volume | string | Volume |
average_price | string | Average Price |
open | string | Open |
high | string | High |
low | string | Low |
close | string | Close |
tick_size | string | Tick Size |
multiplier | string | Multiplier |
lot_size | string | Lot Size |
decimalprecision | string | Decimal Precision |
yearly_low_price | string | Yearly low price |
yearly_high_price | string | Yearly high price |
Fetch Symbol
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 6cb7ac3a5a73831ec88ee8915bee3f2a' \
To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :
Request example :
Response example :
"status": "success",
"data": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "2885",
"symbol": "RELIANCE-EQ",
"trading_symbol": "RELIANCE-EQ",
"company_name": "RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD",
"expiry_date": "",
"expiry_date_desc": "",
"strike_price": "",
"lot_size": "1"
Request Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
s | Search Symbol | Yes |
Attributes | Datatype | Description |
exchange | string | Exchange |
token | string | Symbol Token |
symbol | string | Symbol |
trading_symbol | string | Trading Symbol |
company_name | string | Company Name |
expiry_date | string | Expiry Date |
expiry_date_desc | string | Expiry Date Description |
strike_price | string | Strike Price |
lot_size | string | Lot size |
# Here is a curl example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 2e4c1f0ac084dd6b30fd808e016be3f0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 6cb7ac3a5a73831ec88ee8915bee3f2a'
To get characters you need to make a GET call to the following url :
Result Example:
"status": "success",
"data": {
"check": "OK"
Attribute | Datatype | Description |
check | string | OK / NOT_OK |
Web Socket
It will create a web socket connection
Web socket url :
General Guidelines
1. As soon as connection is done, a connection request should be sent with User id and
login session id.
2. All input and output messages will be in json format.
3. ATO price is sent as “42949672.95”.
Request example(To connect to websocket) :
"t": "c",
"uid": "GQ1A0007",
"actid": "GQ1A0007",
"source": "API",
"susertoken": "3279379865"
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | c | ‘c’ represents connect task |
uid | User ID | |
actid | Account id | |
source | API | Source should be same as login request. |
susertoken | User Session Token |
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | ck | ‘ck’ represents connect acknowledgement |
uid | User ID | |
s | Ok or Not_Ok(in case of invalid user id or session id) |
Subscribe Touchline
Request example :
"t": "t",
"k": "NSE|22#BSE|508123#NSE|NIFTY"
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | t | ‘t’ represents touchline task |
k | One or more scriplist for subscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123#NSE|NIFTY |
RESPONSE PARAMETERS(Subscription Acknowledgement)
Number of Acknowledgements for a single subscription will be the same as the number of scrips mentioned in the key (k) field.
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | tk | ‘tk’ represents touchline acknowledgement |
e | NSE, BSE, NFO.. | Exchange name |
tk | 22 | Scrip Token |
pp | 2 for NSE, BSE 4 for CDS USDINR | Price precision |
ts | Trading Symbol | |
ti | Tick size | |
ls | Lot size | |
lp | LTP | |
pc | Percentage change | |
v | Volume | |
o | Open price | |
h | High price | |
l | Low price | |
c | Close price | |
ap | Average trade price | |
oi | Open interest | |
poi | Previous day closing Open Interest | |
toi | Total open interest for underlying | |
bq1 | Best Buy Quantity 1 | |
bp1 | Best Buy Price 1 | |
sq1 | Best Sell Quantity 1 | |
sp1 | Best Sell Price 1 | |
ft | Feed time |
RESPONSE PARAMETERS(TouchLine Subscription Updates)
Accept for t, e, and tk other fields may / may not be present.
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | tf | ‘tf’ represents touchline feed |
e | NSE, BSE, NFO.. | Exchange name |
tk | 22 | Scrip Token |
lp | LTP | |
pc | Percentage change | |
v | Volume | |
o | Open price | |
h | High price | |
l | Low price | |
c | Close price | |
ap | Average trade price | |
oi | Open interest | |
poi | Previous day closing Open Interest | |
toi | Total open interest for underlying | |
bq1 | Best Buy Quantity 1 | |
bp1 | Best Buy Price 1 | |
sq1 | Best Sell Quantity 1 | |
sp1 | Best Sell Price 1 | |
ft | Feed time |
Unsubscribe Touchline
Request example :
"t": "u",
"k": "NSE|22#BSE|508123"
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | u | ‘u’ represents Unsubscribe Touchline |
k | One or more scriplist for unsubscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | uk | ‘uk’ represents Unsubscribe Touchline acknowledgement |
k | One or more scriplist for unsubscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Subscribe Depth
Request example :
"t": "d",
"k": "NSE|22#BSE|508123"
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | d | ‘d’ represents depth subscription |
k | One or more scriplist for subscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
RESPONSE PARAMETERS(Subscription Depth Acknowledgement)
Number of Acknowledgements for a single subscription will be the same as the number of scrips mentioned in the key (k) field.
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | dk | ‘dk’ represents depth acknowledgement |
e | NSE, BSE, NFO.. | Exchange name |
tk | 22 | Scrip Token |
lp | LTP | |
pc | Percentage change | |
v | Volume | |
o | Open price | |
h | High price | |
l | Low price | |
c | Close price | |
ap | Average trade price | |
ltt | Last trade time | |
ltq | Last trade quantity | |
tbq | Total Buy Quantity | |
tsq | Total Sell Quantity | |
bq1 | Best Buy Quantity 1 | |
bq2 | Best Buy Quantity 2 | |
bq3 | Best Buy Quantity 3 | |
bq4 | Best Buy Quantity 4 | |
bq5 | Best Buy Quantity 5 | |
bp1 | Best Buy Price 1 | |
bp2 | Best Buy Price 2 | |
bp3 | Best Buy Price 3 | |
bp4 | Best Buy Price 4 | |
bp5 | Best Buy Price 5 | |
bo1 | Best Buy Orders 1 | |
bo2 | Best Buy Orders 2 | |
bo3 | Best Buy Orders 3 | |
bo4 | Best Buy Orders 4 | |
bo5 | Best Buy Orders 5 | |
sq1 | Best Sell Quantity 1 | |
sq2 | Best Sell Quantity 2 | |
sq3 | Best Sell Quantity 3 | |
sq4 | Best Sell Quantity 4 | |
sq5 | Best Sell Quantity 5 | |
sp1 | Best Sell Price 1 | |
sp2 | Best Sell Price 2 | |
sp3 | Best Sell Price 3 | |
sp4 | Best Sell Price 4 | |
sp5 | Best Sell Price 5 | |
so1 | Best Sell Orders 1 | |
so2 | Best Sell Orders 2 | |
so3 | Best Sell Orders 3 | |
so4 | Best Sell Orders 4 | |
so5 | Best Sell Orders 5 | |
lc | Lower Circuit Limit | |
uc | Upper Circuit Limit | |
52h | 52 week high low in other exchanges, Life time high low in mcx | |
52l | 52 week high low in other exchanges, Life time high low in mcx | |
oi | Open interest | |
poi | Previous day closing Open Interest | |
toi | Total open interest for underlying | |
ft | Feed time |
RESPONSE PARAMETERS(Depth subscription Updates)
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | df | ‘df’ represents depth feed |
e | NSE, BSE, NFO.. | Exchange name |
tk | 22 | Scrip Token |
lp | LTP | |
pc | Percentage change | |
v | Volume | |
o | Open price | |
h | High price | |
l | Low price | |
c | Close price | |
ap | Average trade price | |
ltt | Last trade time | |
ltq | Last trade quantity | |
tbq | Total Buy Quantity | |
tsq | Total Sell Quantity | |
bq1 | Best Buy Quantity 1 | |
bq2 | Best Buy Quantity 2 | |
bq3 | Best Buy Quantity 3 | |
bq4 | Best Buy Quantity 4 | |
bq5 | Best Buy Quantity 5 | |
bp1 | Best Buy Price 1 | |
bp2 | Best Buy Price 2 | |
bp3 | Best Buy Price 3 | |
bp4 | Best Buy Price 4 | |
bp5 | Best Buy Price 5 | |
bo1 | Best Buy Orders 1 | |
bo2 | Best Buy Orders 2 | |
bo3 | Best Buy Orders 3 | |
bo4 | Best Buy Orders 4 | |
bo5 | Best Buy Orders 5 | |
sq1 | Best Sell Quantity 1 | |
sq2 | Best Sell Quantity 2 | |
sq3 | Best Sell Quantity 3 | |
sq4 | Best Sell Quantity 4 | |
sq5 | Best Sell Quantity 5 | |
sp1 | Best Sell Price 1 | |
sp2 | Best Sell Price 2 | |
sp3 | Best Sell Price 3 | |
sp4 | Best Sell Price 4 | |
sp5 | Best Sell Price 5 | |
so1 | Best Sell Orders 1 | |
so2 | Best Sell Orders 2 | |
so3 | Best Sell Orders 3 | |
so4 | Best Sell Orders 4 | |
so5 | Best Sell Orders 5 | |
lc | Lower Circuit Limit | |
uc | Upper Circuit Limit | |
52h | 52 week high low in other exchanges, Life time high low in mcx | |
52l | 52 week high low in other exchanges, Life time high low in mcx | |
oi | Open interest | |
poi | Previous day closing Open Interest | |
toi | Total open interest for underlying | |
ft | Feed time |
Unsubscribe Depth
Request example :
"t": "ud",
"k": "NSE|22#BSE|508123"
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | ud | ‘ud’ represents Unsubscribe depth |
k | One or more scriplist for unsubscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | udk | ‘udk’ represents unsubscribe depth acknowledgement |
k | One or more scriplist for unsubscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Subscribe Order Update
Request example :
"t": "o",
"actid": "GQ1A0007"
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | o | ‘o’ represents order update subscription task |
actid | Account id based on which order updated to be sent. |
RESPONSE PARAMETERS(Subscription Acknowledgement)
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | ok | ‘ok’ represents order update subscription acknowledgement |
RESPONSE PARAMETERS(Order Update subscription Updates)
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | om | ‘om’ represents touchline feed |
norenordno | Noren Order Number | |
uid | User Id | |
actid | Account ID | |
exch | Exchange | |
tsym | Trading symbol | |
prc | Order Price | |
prd | Product | |
status | Order status (New, Replaced, Complete, Rejected etc) | |
reporttype | Order event for which this message is sent out. (Fill, Rejected, Canceled) | |
trantype | Order transaction type, buy or sell | |
prctyp | Order price type (LMT, MKT, SL-LMT, SL-MKT) | |
ret | Order retention type (DAY, EOS, IOC,...) | |
fillshares | Total Filled shares for this order | |
avgprc | Average fill price | |
fltm | Fill Time(present only when reporttype is Fill) | |
flid | Fill ID (present only when reporttype is Fill) | |
flqty | Fill Qty(present only when reporttype is Fill) | |
flprc | Fill Price(present only when reporttype is Fill) | |
rejreason | Order rejection reason, if rejected | |
exchordid | Exchange Order ID | |
cancelqty | Canceled quantity, in case of canceled order | |
remarks | User added tag, while placing order | |
dscqty | Disclosed quantity | |
trgprc | Trigger price for SL orders | |
snonum | This will be present for child orders in case of cover and bracket orders, if present needs to be sent during exit | |
snoordt | This will be present for child orders in case of cover and bracket orders, it will indicate whether the order is profit or stoploss | |
blprc | This will be present for cover and bracket parent order. This is the differential stop loss trigger price to be entered. | |
bpprc | This will be present for bracket parent order. This is the differential profit price to be entered. | |
trailprc | This will be present for cover and bracket parent order. This is required if trailing ticks is to be enabled. | |
exch_tm | This will have the exchange update time Format: dd-mm-YYYY hh:MM:SS | |
amo | This field will be present if the order is After Market Order. Data will be “Yes” | |
tm | TimeStamp | |
kidid | Kid Id | |
sno_fillid | BO Sequence Id |
Unsubscribe Order Update
Request example :
"t": "uo"
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | uo | ‘uo’ represents Unsubscribe Order update |
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | uok | ‘uok’ represents Unsubscribe Order update acknowledgement |
NSE - Capital Market
NSE - Equity Derivatives
NSE - Currency Derivatives
MCX - Commodity
BSE - Capital Market
BSE - Currency Derivatives
Postman Collection
Download and import the postman collection from here
Exchange List
Exchange Segment
nse_cm - NSE EQUITY
bse_cm - BSE EQUITY
Product Codes
CNC - Cash and Carry
MIS - Intraday
CO - Cover order
BO - Bracket order
Order Types
MKT - Market
SL-L - Stop Loss Limit
SL-M - Stop Loss Market
Transaction Types
B - Buy
S - Sell